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When it comes to winter sports, the art of ice skating stands out as one of the most popular and entertaining activities. Skating on ice can be done for fun, exercise, or even in a professional capacity. Regardless of the purpose, understanding how to properly skate on ice is key. One important aspect of skating that often causes confusion is the use of past tense verbs. In this article, we will discuss how to pronounce the past tense of the word "skate."

The Basic Rule

Before we delve into the pronunciation of past tense for "skate," it is important to understand the basic rule for pronouncing regular past tense verbs in English. In most cases, regular past tense verbs are formed by adding "-ed" to the end of the base verb. For example, the past tense of "walk" is "walked," and the past tense of "talk" is "talked."

Pronouncing the Past Tense of "Skate"

The past tense of "skate" is "skated." Unlike some past tense verbs that have a pronounced "d" or "t" sound at the end (such as "walked" or "talked"), the past tense of "skate" is pronounced with a soft "t" sound. This means that the final "t" is not fully pronounced, and instead, your tongue should touch the top of your mouth just behind your front teeth before releasing the sound.

Examples of the Past Tense of "Skate"

Let's take a look at some examples of how to use the past tense of "skate" in a sentence:

  • Yesterday, I skated for hours at the ice rink.
  • The Olympic figure skater skated a perfect routine during the competition.
  • My brother and I skated together on the frozen pond last winter.

Irregular Verbs

While regular past tense verbs are formed by adding "-ed" to the end of the base verb, irregular past tense verbs do not follow this rule. Instead, irregular verbs have their own unique past tense forms that must be memorized. For example, the past tense of "go" is "went," and the past tense of "eat" is "ate."


Understanding how to properly pronounce past tense verbs is important for effective communication in English. While most regular past tense verbs are formed by adding "-ed," it is important to remember that irregular verbs have their own unique past tense forms. When it comes to the past tense of "skate," remember to use a soft "t" sound and say "skated." With this knowledge, you can confidently talk about your skating adventures in the past tense.